PGS Server

iPark is our main guidance software that power OpenPark PGS Gateway to receive all data from the PGS sensors, perform all counting for space availability in each zone and publish availability information on LED displays indoor and outdoor.

Communication between parking sensors and and the management system requires local network that can be serial RS-485 or Ethernet communication according to the used sensor technology. For legacy ultrasonic sensors a local zone controller is required to translate the serial bus communication from sensors and LED displays to the TCP/IP Ethernet communication interface of the management server. For advanced video sensors it is possible to use a local server or directly connect to the cloud through TCP/IP.

The iPark PGS appliance server can control all guidance services inside the parking local network and can also communicate the data to the OpenPark cloud so that car drivers can use OpenPark Mobile App to find available spaces and navigate to the parking lot gate.

OpenPark mobile App can also start a booking session or a real time entry and exit action at the parking gate.

iPark video server is used to record the video streams from the Video Parking sensors as video and recorded events whenever a car leaves or returns to a parking spot.

Order information

  • PGS-IPARK iPark Parking Guidance Server Software license
  • PGS-V-SERV iPark Parking Guidance Video Server-500 (NVR Hardware)
  • IVS-ENT Intellio IVS Enterprise NVR server license (per PGS-V-SERV)
  • IVS-UPD Intellio IVS Update NVR server update (yearly support)
  • IVS-CH IVS Channel license (per camera sensor)
  • IVS-CH-UPD IVS Channel Update (yearly support)

PGS controllers

Parking Guidance controllers (PGS controller) are mainly used to translate the communication protocols between each of the sensors and displays in each zone to the PGS IPARK server.

Order information

  • [OP-CC1] Central controller
  • [PGS-ZC1] Zone controller
  • PGS-NC1] Node controller